
May 2025

63Days 03Hours 21Minutes 47Seconds

About Live2Test 2025

The Premier Online Conference for Software Testing

As we have always been desirous to build a social platform for software testers and people who are interested in testing and quality assurance, we have created our social brand and motto, Live2Test®️! Live2Test®️ is a social platform, and a series of events for testers to communicate, to share, to teach, to learn, to consult, to develop and to socialize.

ISTQB® Conference Network Event

Live2Test®️ is a recognized ISTQB®️ Conference Network Event, focusing on Testing and Quality. Live2Test®️ aims to share knowledge, experience and vision with the community.

Keynote Speakers

Barış Sarıalioğlu

Managing Partner


Cemal Yılmaz

Co-Founder & CTO


Corina Pip

QA Lead


Giannis Papadakis

Head of QA


Lovelesh Beeharry

Founder & President

Mauritian Software Testing Qualifications Board (MSTQB)

Istvan Forgacs



Atilla Kovacs


Hungarian Testing Board

Natia Sirbiladze


Exactpro / GeoSTQB

Martijn Goossens

Quality Consultant


Maryia Tuleika

Test Automation Consultant

Regent AB

Tutorial Speakers

Andres Sacco

Technical Leader


Bas Dijkstra

Test Automation Trainer & Consultant

On Test Automation

Andrei Solntsev

Software Developer


Benjamin Bischoff

Test Automation Engineer


Altuğ Bilgin Altıntaş

Software Architect / Mentor

ING Technology

Diego Molina

Staff Software Engineer

Sauce Labs

Zafer Duydu

Senior Software Developer in Test

Tıkla Gelsin

Gopi Shankar Haridas

Software Development Engineer in Test

Direct Line Group

Panel Chairs

Mesut Durukal

QA Lead


Vəhid Gəruslu

Software Test Engineering Consultant


Gonca Çiftci

Manager of Test Management and Software Quality Assurance

ING Türkiye

Panel Speakers

Serdar Aytaç

Entrepreneur & Founder


Werner Henschelchen



Udit Gattani

Engineering & Quality Management

Mercari Inc.

Berkay Kırmızıoğlu

Head of QA


Berkay Burak Söner

Software Development Engineer in Test

Trendyol Group

Çağrı Çuhadaroğlu

Software Engineer in Test


Mert Murat Kırmızı

Sofware QA Engineer


Evrim Şen Kayıboğlu

Head of IT Governance & Quality

KKB - Kredi Kayıt Bürosu

Selim Çakar

QA Manager

Betsson Group

Event Hosts

Egemen Akkol

Technology Consultant


Şeyma Yaylagül

Corporate Communications & Digital Marketing Specialist


Event Schedule (GMT +3)


09:00 - 09:15

Opening & Introduction

Speakers: Şeyma Yaylagül & Egemen Akkol

Language: EN 🇬🇧 / TR 🇹🇷


09:15 - 09:30

Keynote 1:

Opening Speech – Live2Test 2025


Speaker: Barış Sarıalioğlu

Language: EN 🇬🇧

09:30 - 10:10

Keynote 2:

Be A Better Test Friend For Your Team


Speaker: Martijn Groosens

Language: EN 🇬🇧

10:15 - 10:55

Keynote 3:

ISTQB And Its Relevance To The New Era Of Software Testing


Speaker: Lovelesh Beeharry

Language: EN 🇬🇧

11:00 - 11:40

Human Panel

Human Side of Testing (Test Career, Education, Communication, Remote Working etc.)


Moderator: Gonca Çiftci

Speakers: Selim Çakar, Birsen Okçu, Mert Murat Kırmızı, Evrim Şen Kayıboğlu

Language: TR 🇹🇷

11:45 - 12:45

Keynote 4:

Test Design Automation: Unlocking the Future of Domain Testing


Speaker: Atilla Kovacs

Language: EN 🇬🇧

12:50 - 13:30

Tutorial 1:

Elevate Your Testing Strategy: An Introduction To Mutation Testing


Speaker: Altuğ Bilgin Altıntaş

Language: TR 🇹🇷

13:35 - 14:20

Tutorial 2:

How To Migrate From Selenium To Selenide


Speakers: Andrei SoIntsev

Language: EN 🇬🇧

14:25 - 15:10

Keynote 5:

People Management: A Journey Of Inspiration And Problem Solving


Speaker: Natia Sirbiladze

Language: EN 🇬🇧

15:15 - 15:55

Keynote 6:

Test Automation Trends 2025: What’s Next On The Horizon?


Speaker: Giannis Papadakis

Language: EN 🇬🇧

16:00 - 16:40

Tutorial 3:

A Love Letter to All Junior Testers: Surviving and Thriving in the Industry


Speakers: Bas Dijkstra

Language: EN 🇬🇧

16:45 - 17:30

Tutorial 4:

Love Triangle In Integration Testing


Speakers: Andres Sacco

Language: EN 🇬🇧

17:35 - 18:20


18:20 - 18:30

Opening & Introduction

Speakers: Şeyma YAYLAGÜL & Egemen AKKOL

Language: EN 🇬🇧 / TR 🇹🇷

09:45 - 09:55

Keynote 7:

How Testers Add Value to the Organization? 

Speaker: Corina Pip

Language: EN 🇬🇧

09:55 - 10:35

Keynote 8:

New Testing Ideas, Principles, and Methods

Speakers: Istvan Forgacs

Language: EN 🇬🇧

10:40 - 11:20

Keynote 9:

Surviving and Thriving with AI in QA!


Speakers: Maryia Tuleika

Language: EN 🇬🇧

11:25 - 12:05

Tech Panel:

Technology Side of Testing (AI, Blockchain, ChatGPT, Humanless Testing etc.)

Moderator: Mesut Durukal

Speakers: Werner Henschelchen, Serdar Aytaç, Udit Gattani

Language: EN 🇬🇧

12:10 - 13:10

Tutorial 5:

Mastering Test Automation: Selenium and Beyond


Speaker: Diego Molina

Language: EN 🇬🇧

13:15 - 14:00

Tutorial 6:

Karate – Beyond API Testing

Speaker: Benjamin Bischoff

Language: EN 🇬🇧

14:05 - 15:50

Keynote 10:

Revolutionizing Software Testing: How AI-Powered Test Automation is Changing the Game


Speaker: Cemal Yılmaz

Language: TR 🇹🇷

Prof. Dr. Cemal Yılmaz discussing AI in software testing at Live2Test 2025

15:55 - 16:35

Process Panel:

Process Side of Testing: (Automation, Agile Testing, RPA)

Moderator: Vahid Gəruslu

Speakers: To Be Announced

Language: EN 🇬🇧

16:40 - 17:40

Tutorial 7:

Building Resilient Systems with Chaos Engineering


Speaker: Gopi Shankar Haridas

Language: EN 🇬🇧

17:45 - 18:30

Tutorial 8:

Test Automation Processes With Playwright


Speaker: Zafer Duydu

Language: TR 🇹🇷

18:35 - 19:20

Game, Gifts & Prizes, Closing

19:20 - 19:30


Our motto has always been "invest in yourself"

Super Early Bird

Sold Out

Until end of February 2025

Conference Tickets

Certificate of Attendance

Early Bird

EUR: €40
TRY: ₺1200

Until end of March 2025

Conference Tickets

Certificate of Attendance


EUR: €50
TRY: ₺1500

Starting from April 2025

Conference Tickets

Certificate of Attendance

*ISTQB® Partner Program members and ISTQB® certificate holders can purchase the tickets with "Super Early Bird" price at any time, which is discounted 35% of the regular price!

Call for Papers

Your contribution and presence are valuable for us!

Dear Testers, please right your motive and background to speak at Live2Test Conference 2025. Thank you for your interest in our call for papers, every year we are aiming to build up a better conference for the community! You can always contact us through [email protected].

Event Organizer

Event Sponsor

Technology Sponsor

Participation Sponsors

Our Friends

Contact Form

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Phone: +90 (216) 755 61 51

Fax: +90 (216) 755 61 50