About Live2Test 2024
The Premier Online Conference for Software Testing
As we have always been desirous to build a social platform for software testers and people who are interested in testing and quality assurance, we have created our social brand and motto, Live2Test®️! Live2Test®️ is a social platform, and a series of events for testers to communicate, to share, to teach, to learn, to consult, to develop and to socialize.
ISTQB® Conference Network Event
Live2Test®️ is a recognized ISTQB®️ Conference Network Event, focusing on Testing and Quality. Live2Test®️ aims to share knowledge, experience and vision with the community.
Keynote Speakers
Workshop Speakers
Panel Speakers
Call for Papers
Your contribution and presence are valuable for us!
Dear Testers, please right your motive and background to speak at Live2Test Conference 2024. Thank you for your interest in our call for papers, every year we are aiming to build up a better conference for the community! You can always contact us through [email protected].
Our Friends